TRE® Tension Release Exercises
TRE® Tension Release Exercises
TRE® is an innovative tool for stress reduction. It consists of series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. It activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or tremoring that releases deep tension from the body, calming down the nervous system. The accumulation of stress and trauma and lack of tension release creates dysregulated nervous systems and fosters conflict, hostility and aggression among humans.
Human = a living process
The fundamental idea in TRE and other somatic practices, backed by recent research, is that stress, tension and trauma is both psychological and physical. And very often social. "Body keeps the score" - can be understood as body as our unconsciuous memory. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.
The aim of the exercises is to gently activate the body's core muscles and facilitate the neurogenic tremors, especially the Psoas in the lower back, pelvis, and thighs. These are an important part of the body's muscular protection mechanism against stress and threats. Through a specific set of exercises which helps facilitate the neurogenic tremors, TRE supports us in releasing the underlying activation from within thus really helping to unwind tension from the very core.
It might sound scary and might feel weird in the beginning, but it´s your nature
Tremoring usually begins in the legs and may move up the spine. It's easily controllable if it becomes too vigorous. Practising self-regulation in this way fosters the sense of safety within. Afterwards it is important to rest on the mat to allow your mind and body to settle. This helps to integrate any emotions that may arise.
Practising TRE offers a profound way to learn about our tension-regulating mechanisms and strengthen connection to our body. Many relaxation techniques help us with bodily relaxation by helping relax tense muscles, which is useful and important, but does so without releasing the underlying activation, which is the cause of tension.
TRE was created by Dr David Berceli, who had observed communities in the Middle East and Africa that had been traumatised by war. He discovered that by inducing the body's natural tremoring mechanism to release stored tension caused by traumatic events, there was a reduced need for psychotherapy or drugs to control post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). TRE could be taught easily to whole communities and practised in a group or alone. Berceli has used TRE extensively to support US war veterans in the military.
Find out more on TRE, David Bercelli's website Traumaprevention.com
"You can't talk the dog into calming down using logic, but you can soothe it and retrain it over time so it doesn't overreact. With TRE we're soothing the nervous system, using a natural body response, rather than using psychology and logic, or medication." - Steve Haines